Thesis Submission Processes and Control Forms
ONLINE FORM 1-Click to access the Pre-Thesis Defense First Submission and Control form.
This form is the form that must be filled in for the turnitin examination at the first submission of the thesis. After completing the form, an e-mail will be sent to you and your consultant about the similarity report and the actions you need to take within 12 hours.
ONLINE FORM 2-Click here to access the Post-Thesis Defense Deadline and Control form.
This form must be completed after the defense exam in order to obtain print approval. After submitting this form, an e-mail will be sent to you and your advisor regarding the status of your thesis and print approval within 12 hours.
When the above links are clicked, an e-mail address will be requested. Our students can reach this form by using their student numbers and OBS passwords, via their e-mail address
Our student who wants to get a date for the thesis defense exam will follow the paths below.
Our student must fill in the first submission and control form before the thesis defense in the link number 1 above and upload the final version of the thesis to this form as a word file.
The final version of the thesis delivered to our institute will be formally checked and the similarity examination of the turnit will be done by our institute. If the Turnitin similarity is below 20%, a turnitin similarity report will be sent to our student along with an informative confirmation e-mail.
Thesis defense date cannot be applied for thesis with a Turnitin similarity percentage of 20% or more. For theses written according to the thesis writing guide, with the similarity percentage reduced below 20%, the above form must be filled and sent again.
- After our student receives this confirmation e-mail
1. Output of page showing Turnitin similarity
2. The printout of this e-mail should also be taken, the turnitin confirmation e-mail should be scanned and attached to the required documents in 1 and 3. Documents sent without the Turnitin approval email attached will not be accepted.
3. Thesis Evaluation and Examination Jury Suggestion Form (FORM-40), Thesis Pre-Check and Submission Form (FORM-41), Thesis Study Ethics Statement (FORM-42) and for doctoral students (FORM-43) (signed) should be submitted to the head of the department. The decision of the department board and the 1,2 documents should be sent to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences by 16:00 on Tuesday.
The defense exam date to be written in the Form-40 must be determined at least 30 days after the submission of the documents.
In order for the submitted documents to be evaluated in the related week by the institute administrative board, the documents must reach the institute by the end of the working day on Tuesday at the latest. Documents not received before this date are placed on the agenda of the board of directors the following week.
These documents, which reach the Institute of Science and Technology, are examined in detail by the institute board of directors every Thursday. If there is no deficiency, this application is approved and the thesis defense date is notified to the head of the department with an official decision letter.
After the thesis defense date of our student is approved by the EYK held on the relevant Thursday, the process will continue as follows.
Thesis defense juries and documents showing that their dates are approved are sent to the advisor faculty member by our institute via EBYS. This is for informational purposes only.
The assignment letters of the faculty members who will participate in the thesis defense exam from another university are sent to the related faculty member by e-mail by our institute. The student's advisor must send the final version of the thesis to the jury members who will participate from outside within 3 days after the decision is made, by mail or by mail.
After this stage, there is no further action to be taken by the student and his/her advisor until the thesis defense.
1. Tez savunma sınavı, EYK kararında belirtilen sınav günü ve saatinde anabilim dalı başkanlığının organizasyonuyla dijital ortamda gerçekleştirilir. Sınav günü, Tez Savunma Sınavı Tutanağının (FORM-46) ilgili alanları öğrenci veya danışmanın nezaretinde anabilim dalı sekreterliği tarafından hazırlanır. FORM-46 nın jüriye ait olan kısımları (Savunma Sınavı Tutanağı bölümü) boş bırakılır.
2. Sınav jüri üyeleri kendilerine iletilen Tez Bireysel Değerlendirme Raporunu (FORM-47) sınavdan önce bizzat hazırlar ve sınav günü jüri başkanına teslim eder.
3. Sınav akademik dinleyicilere açık olarak uzaktan eğitim platformunda yapılır.
4. Sınav, öğrencinin yaptığı çalışmaları en az 40 dakika sunması ile başlar ve daha sonra soru-cevap bölümüne geçilir. Sınavın akışını jüri başkanı yönetir. Sınav öğrencinin tez danışmanı tarafından kayıt altına alınmalıdır.
5. Sınav sonunda jüri dinleyicilere kapalı olarak tez hakkında salt çoğunlukla kabul, düzeltme veya ret kararı verebilir. Sınav bilgileri ve verilen karar FORM-46 ya işlenerek jüri üyeleri tarafından mavi mürekkepli kalem ile imzalanır.
6. Sınav evrakı FORM-46 ve jüri üyelerinin hazırladığı FORM-47) anabilim dalı başkanlığına verilir.
7. Anabilim dalı başkanlığı sınav evrakını en geç 3 gün içinde üst yazı ekinde Enstitüye iletir.
8. Tezinde düzeltme yapılmasına karar verilen adaylar, yüksek lisans için en geç 3 ay içinde, doktora için en geç 6 ay içinde jüri tarafından belirtilen düzeltmeleri yaptıktan sonra aynı jüri önünde yeniden savunma sınavına alınır. Düzeltme yapılması istenilen tez bölgeleri öğrenciye yazılı olarak bildirilir.
9. Tezi reddedilen öğrencinin Enstitü ile ilişiği kesilir.
10. Tezin ciltlenmiş nüshalarının jüri üyelerine dağıtımının yapıldığı, FORM-45 ile kayıt altına alınır ve bu Form ile birlikte ciltlenmiş 3 nüsha tezin en geç bir ay içinde Enstitüye teslim edilmesi gerekir. Tezin son hali Enstitüye teslim edilmeden EYK tarafından tez tescili konusu gündeme alınmaz. Tezin teslim edilmemesi halinde öğrencinin Enstitü ile ilişiği kesilir.
Our student must fill in the Post-Thesis Defense Final Submission and Control form online and send the final version of the thesis within one month at the latest after the defense. With this form, the final version of the thesis that will reach our institute will be examined and if the thesis is found appropriate, an e-mail will be sent to our student and his/her advisor with the title "Your thesis has been approved for printing". Students who submit the printout of this e-mail to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences will receive their thesis cover in return for signature. The covers required for the binding process will be obtained free of charge from our Institute. Our students should print out the approved form and bind their thesis. Otherwise, the thesis will not be registered. Our student who takes the cover of the thesis from the institute student affairs will follow the steps below after this process.
1. Student,
a) 3 bound copies of the thesis (signed by the Jury with a blue ink pen),
b) Thesis Final Control Form (FORM-48),
c) Thesis Submission Minute (FORM-45) to the Jury Member (signed after the defense: The jury member who does not want to receive the last copy of the thesis can sign the FORM-45 at the end of the defense exam),
d) 1 CD containing the PDF file of the final thesis and the Turkish-English Summaries (in separate files) and the thesis defense exam video recording
e) Signed printout of the National Thesis Center Data Entry form from http:/
f) Dismissal Certificate (FORM-13) and student ID documents
must submit it to our Institute within one month at the latest following the date of the defense exam. Otherwise, the subject of thesis registration will not be included in the agenda of the EYK. At the end of the maximum period, the student is dismissed from the Institute.
2. When the necessary documents for the final submission of the thesis are completed, the subject of registration of the thesis is taken to the agenda of the EYK on the relevant Thursday and decided, the thesis is examined in detail here for the last time and, if found appropriate, it is registered.
3. The Graduate School Student Affairs decision is automated and the diploma is prepared.
4. The Diploma is signed by the Director of the Institute and submitted to the approval of the Rector's Office. Diplomas signed by the Rector are sent back to the Institute.
5. Students whose graduation procedures are completed receive their diplomas from the Institute against signature.
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